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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Soft Skills

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read all of my previous write-ups on this site).

Earlier, I have emphasized the importance of acquiring and mastering the soft skills. Hard skills are important and you should never undermine them. They are your bread and butter skills. For example, a tourist guide has to know the technical aspects of his job like showing his tourists the right places in a proper sequence with authentic commentary on them, the legalities of his job, the safety aspect of his tourists etc, yet, he will be more in demand and earn more if he also has the necessary soft skills for the job like manners and etiquette, interpersonal relations with tourists, humor, creativity etc.

Hard skills are more rational types and soft skills improve your emotional intelligence. Soft skills make you more cultured, empathic, understanding, caring and also, more sophisticated.

You must try to find out what soft skills you should choose to acquire and develop for success in your personal, professional, family and social life.

I am giving below a fairly comprehensive list of soft skills for your guidance.

  1. Observation
  2. Know yourself (introspection)
  3. Openness and flexibility (paradigm shifting)
  4. Internal motivation and passion
  5. Action orientation, drive and self initiation
  6. Self development
  7. Self confidence
  8. Assertiveness
  9. Integrity
  10. Trustworthiness
  11. Composure and self presentation (appearance, manners and etiquette)
  12. Intellectual horsepower and learning
  13. Creativity and innovation
  14. Conviction
  15. Moral courage
  16. Dependability and reliability
  17. Dealing with ambiguity
  18. Time management
  19. Goal setting and result orientation
  20. Decision making
  21. Problem solving and process orientation
  22. Organizing
  23. Coordinating
  24. Delegation
  25. Communication (speaking, listening, empathy, body language, writing)
  26. Interpersonal skills
  27. Negotiation
  28. Conflict management
  29. Presentation
  30. Convincing
  31. Coaching and developing people
  32. Counseling
  33. Mentoring
  34. Team work
  35. Team building
  36. Consensus building
  37. Conducting meetings
  38. Leading
  39. Big picture thinking and strategic thinking
  40. Motivating others
  41. Controlling
  42. Safety
  43. Stress management
Go through the above list very carefully and tick out the soft skills where you need to pull up yourself. Then, you have to go through the cycle of gaining authentic knowledge of that skill, understanding the process of building that skill, practicing that skill following the process, practicing it, practicing it and practicing it till you get the mastery over that skill, till that skills gets internalized in you- it becomes your habit (I wrote about this model of skill building in detail, in my earlier write-ups here on these pages; please read it).

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekat at:

You may also like to read short articles on "Out of Box Ideas" at:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Re-skilling, Upscaling the Skills and Multi-skilling

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read all of my previous write-ups on this site).

In today fast changing world where almost everything is changing at a mind boggling pace, you can not rest after achieving high levels of proficiency in the skills required for your personal, professional, family and social activities. If you stop practicing at those skills, you will deteriorate in those skills, therefore keep re-skilling yourself in all those skills required for your effectiveness and success. Keep practicing those. Its like sharpening the saw every now and then.

You will soon realize that the existing job profiles are constantly changing. Some jobs become extinct or may become less lucrative or less paying or you may lose interest in your existing activities etc. Therefore, you have to be alert and look out for more potential opportunities. For example, a coder or a computer programmer may like to up-scale his skills to work as a system analyst or a business analyst or a programming/project manager. So, upscaling in the associated field is the key for long term staying power with lots of career satisfaction and so, the family happiness.

You may like to work in two types of jobs or pursue career in two or more professions. In that case, you have to be skilled in more than one sets of skills. We call it multi-skilling. You may like to be a multi skilled person.

So use re-skilling, upscaling the skills and multi-skilling to your advantage.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Competency Matrix, Competency Mapping, Gap Analysis and Competency Building

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read all of my previous write-ups on this site).

The model to build up your hard and soft skills/competencies and gain excellence in them, in a focused manner, is a four stage model:

1. Developing your competency matrix: By your self analysis and taking help of others (your friends, spouse, parents, brothers & sisters, professional associates, bosses etc), find out the hard and soft skills/competencies you should possess in order to be successful in your professional and family roles. Write them down.

2. Map your own competencies against the competency matrix requirements: Check out if you have those required skills/competencies and are they at the desired level of proficiencies.

3. Analyse the competency gaps: By doing steps 1 & 2, you will come to know your skill/competency gaps. Which are the skills/competencies that are totally absent in you and you should pick them up fast because they are critical to your success. You will also know the skills/competencies which you already have but not at the desired levels of proficiency. Pull up there. Do not worry about other skills/competencies outside of your competency matrix (step 1). Write down these gaps.

4. Bridge the competency gaps: Now is the time to act on the identified gaps (step 3) in skills/competencies. For each skill/competency that you need to improve, you should work out a clear cut time line based action plan. Look out for the sources & resources and ways & means to pick up and pull up your skills/competencies found as gaps. Try to reach the desired levels of proficiency in a well defined time span. Implementation and practice are the essential aspects of building skills/competencies as emphasized in my earlier write-ups.

So, go ahead, follow the above-mentioned SOP (model) and become the highly skilled/competent person in your chosen roles and become successful in life- professional, personal, family and social.

Do not bother to look at those skills/competencies which are not appearing in your competency matrix (step 1) though they may look good or your friends may be good at them. Don't waste your energy and time in picking them up or improving them. If you work on them, you will reach only to a mediocre level from your existing poor level. However, if you concentrate on your competency matrix (step 1), you will go from strength to strength and in the same period of time, you will reach to excellence level. So, don't attempt to become mediocre in the skills/competencies not required by you for your success but become excellent in all the skills/competencies required by you for your success.

You will have to work on this model quite frequently, say once or twice every year of your life. There will be changes in profile of jobs, techology, social activities, business practices and many other things and that will impact on your competency matrix.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Soft Skills and Hard Skills: More About Them

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read all of my previous write-ups on this site).

Hard skills are technical skills. Like writing programs for computers, preparing a balance sheet, working on a particular machine for a particular process in a manufacturing workshop, acting in a television serial or a cinema film, carrying out a surgery etc. You must have proficiency in these skills in order to become a good professional in your chosen fields and to earn decent living.

You can do a still better job of your chosen professions if you also acquire proficiency in those soft skills which are required to perform your jobs better. These soft skills are behavioral in nature. For example, how do you communicate with the people, how good are you in making business presentations, how empathetic you are with the people you come across, can you work as a team member, do you manage your time well and so on. These skills make all the difference.

Mere technical skills allow you certain degree of success. You can achieve higher degree of success if you equip yourself with soft skills too.

Technical skills are obvious and people learning them find it easy to understand and follow the processes of acquiring these skills. However, one wonders as to what is there to learn in soft skills; you are already doing them. Say, communication. You have been speaking and listening from the very young age and so, one may think as to what is there to learn more and how to learn. But if you look around you may find that some people are more effective in speaking than others. Here is the answer. The people who speak more effectively have learnt and practiced to speak effectively. They have followed and implemented certain processes and guidelines for speaking more effectively. It did hot happen to them accidentally or automatically.

Soft skills make a difference in the external and internal personalities. People who acquire soft skills of high order are more sophisticated, more cultured, more reformed and are found to be more successful in every walk of life.

Therefore, in addition to perfecting your hard skills, also try to perfect your soft skills.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Monday, June 30, 2008

Soft Skills and Hard Skills

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(You will benefit more if you also read all of my previous write-ups on this site).

You will need to sharpen your soft skills as well as your hard skills in order to become effective, efficient and successful in your life and your professions.

Hard skills are to do with the technical skills and soft skills are the behavioral skills. Both types of skills are required for carrying our your professional activities effectively and efficiently. They are also required to be successful in your personal, family and social life.

You should first identify as to which soft skills and hard skills you need to develop. Each person may have his or her unique requirements. Once having identified them, you will need to feel motivated about developing those skills. I have emphasized earlier that there is no short-cut to master the skills. You will have to acquire the right kind of knowledge about those skills and then
keep on practicing.

Then you are there to win the world.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Friday, June 27, 2008

Doing Every Verb of a Dictionary Needs Skill

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be prudent to read my previous posts).

To sit (properly and decently) needs skill of sitting properly and decently. You have to learn the right way of sitting and then keep doing it that way every time you sit.

To walk (smartly) needs the skill of walking smartly. You have to learn as to how to walk smartly and then practice walking using that knowledge.

To dance (artistically) needs the skill of dancing artistically. (The professional dancers rehearse hours and hours before they are ready to perform in front of an audience or a camera).

To make love (in satisfying manner) does not happen the very first time. You got to learn its theory and then practice it and every time improve upon the way you do it in order to gain the right kind of expertise in it.

So choose the skill you need to and so, wish to develop and learn about its theory and practice it.

Good luck.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Excellence in Competencies/Skills

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be prudent to read my previous posts).

You will be able to achieve the excellence in any skill or competency only if you rehearse or practice the learned skill a large number of times. Knowledge alone is no guarantee for achieving great levels in skills or competencies.

Only if you start swimming, you will become a swimmer; mere knowledge of swimming or great theories of swimming will not automatically make you even an ordinary swimmer. Knowledge surely helps and is a must but without doing, it is of no use to you. If you wish to become a good teacher, start teaching the subject you know well. If you want to become an actor, start acting. Seek roles in movies or dramas or TV shows and keep refining your acting by doing it and also applying your knowledge in doing it better. If your desire is to become an author, start writing. Write something every day. And use your knowledge to write even better. Doing is what makes you what you wish to become, knowledge alone does not.

Implementation of knowledge is the name of the game.

Great Knowledge + Zero Implementation = No effectiveness, No results, No success
Some Knowledge + Some implementation = Some Effectiveness, Some Results, Some Success
Great Knowledge + Great Implementation = Great Effectiveness, Great Results, Great Success

There are 4 levels of competencies or skills:

1. Unconsciously incompetent: Ignorance (example: you are not even aware that there are some proper styles of swimming)

2. Consciously incompetent: Acceptance of incompetence and creating a desire to learn (example: you accept that you do not swim properly and you will like to learn the correct styles of swimming)

3. Consciously competent: Gaining the knowledge about the skill to be mastered and begin practicing the knowledge gained (example: gaining knowledge on how to swim using proper styles of swimming and start swimming using the right styles of swimming)

4. Unconsciously competent: Keep practicing the knowledge gained till you gain mastery in the skill (example: you have now become an expert swimmer since you have been swimming using the proper styles of swimming over number of hours and you can now give yourself 9 on 10 or even 10 on 10)

For greater success in life, you should try to reach the unconsciously competent level in the skills required by you for your professional, personal, family and social activities/tasks/projects.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Excellence in Any Skill is All About "Practice"

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(It will be more useful if you read all my posts).

In my previous post, I mentioned that "practice" makes a man (and a woman) perfect. Its true.

Why do you think that the soldiers and their officers in the armed forces walk smartly (as compared to large numbers of civilians)? Simply because they are given the knowledge on how to walk smartly, they learn the standard operating procedure (SOP, the process) on walking smartly. And, then, they walk every day for hours together in their daily parades/drills. They rehearse and rehearse and try to make it perfect.

So, when you have a desire to pick up any skill and become the best in it, get the required knowledge to perform that skill correctly and then, practice, practice and practice.

You do need skills of all sorts to become successful in your personal, professional, family and social life and you got to be damn good in them if you wish to excel. And who doesn't?

So, choose a skill and perfect it.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Effectiveness: All about Desire, Knowledge and Skill

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

(This post is in continuation of my previous post).

Personal and professional effectiveness means that you can perform a particular task or activity in a superior manner, better than the best benchmark currently available for that task/activity or at least, you should be able to match up with it. It may not be possible to reach that excellence level from the level where you are at present, all of a sudden. However, you can improve upon your effectiveness gradually from your current status to the newly defined status.

You will have to follow a standard operating procedure (SOP or a process) for that.

First, you should have a desire to improve in that particular task/activity. You can take a horse to water but can not make it drink water unless the horse has desire to drink water. Same with human beings too.

Secondly, you should learn the relevant knowledge pertaining to that task. There is lot of knowledge for every task. Some one has written a 200 pages book titled "how to do a great handshake".

And, then you should practice that task again and again. Practice makes a man (and woman) perfect. There is no short cut to practice. There is no short cut to knowledge and desire also. If you wish to excel in shaking hands with people, first learn from that 200 pages (make sure that the stuff is authentic) and keep on shaking hands with every one you meet.

Ultimately, you will score 10 on 10 in shaking hands and it will become your habit. You will internalize that skill. It will happen to you, automatically, in the superior most manner, effortlessly.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

You Will Learn to Manage Your Personal, Family & Professional Life

(Refer our High Quality Management Encyclopedia at:

Through these pages, I am going to pen down a few very important things for you. If you learn and practice them, you are sure to become very effective. With that enhanced effectiveness, you will be able to manage your entire life very successfully. You will manage all aspects of your life: personal, professional, family and social.

More than 100,000 people from all walks of life have attended my talks, presentations, seminars and workshops (around 35000 hours of speaking engagements). A large numbers of them tell me that they are benefited.

On this site, by and by, I will keep on posting those few important things. Be on look out for them here.

See you soon.

(You can download eBook "Competencies and Competency Matrix" from

Read "Management Anecdotes" authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar at: